Monday, February 18, 2008

Tajikistan Needs Help

I just read about how Tajikistan is having it's coldest winter in over 50 years. Babies are dying from the cold in maternity hospitals. There are food shortages because people are spending every penny they have on keeping warm. I cannot imagine the hardship these people are going through. As much as I complain about the cold here in Northern Wisconsin, at least I have heat (and a mini heater under my desk!!)

I know that Unicef as well as the UN will be distributing aid. Does anyone know of any other organizations that would distribute to this area? I looked on the Warm Woolies site, and they don't specifically say Tajikistan, although they do distribute to countries in that region. I'm assuming that woolen items would be preferred since they are warmer than cotton or acrylic. Any ideas?

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I tried an internet search, but didn't come up with much. I did see several links to Afghans for Afghans that said they are distributing items to afghna refugees in tajikistan, but couldn't find anything on their website.